Isaiah Smith on Gen Z career choices, turning ideas into software, and growth pains in tech startups
Fervent Four
Did you know that only 4% of businesses ever cross the annual million dollar revenue mark? The Fervent Four is a weekly show, every Thursday at 11am, dedicated to sharing insights into growing a world class business no matter the climate.
Zack MillerTim Ryan

Isaiah Smith on Gen Z career choices, turning ideas into software, and growth pains in tech startups

E212 • May 23, 2024 • 73 mins

In this episode, Zack Miller and Tim Ryan engage with Isaiah Smith, a Gen Z business leader, in a lively discussion about the current state of college education, the role of guidance counselors, and regional organizations' response to Gen Z involvement. They delve into the challenges of transforming ideas into software and applying real estate strategies to tech startups. The conversation also covers adapting to market changes, pricing models in tech, and the growth pains associated with hiring.

Key Points

  • Isaiah McPeak emphasizes the importance of educating and guiding high school students, especially those unsure about pursuing college, by connecting them with opportunities like trade schools or entrepreneurship.
  • Build for Demand differentiates itself from traditional engineering agencies by offering a comprehensive approach to product development that includes strategy, design, and engineering to ensure the creation of software products that the market actually desires.
  • Isaiah's unique pricing model for Build for Demand, which combines a retainer for long-term services with fixed-price feature contracts, forces stakeholders to make informed business decisions about the value and potential ROI of each feature.
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